Wednesday, July 4, 2007

July 4 - Independence Day

Steve spent the day hanging out with old friends in Dallas, TX. That's right, we chose the hottest place in the United States to meet for a guys college reunion weekend. Luckily, the temperature is only in the 80's. The humidty is still hovering around 100%.

Fellow Bloggers, Bill and Erin Schwangston hosted us for the weekend. While there, Reed Stephenson and I finally set up blogs ourselves, much to Bill's chagrin (he does not enjoy relaxing - must be the oxygen deprivation from cycling). Mark Clark has also graced us with his presence for the weekend.

Tonight we went to the horse races. It was crowded, but we had a lot of fun. The horses were beautiful. Reed took out a second mortgage on his house for the last race, and of course lost. He has to spend the rest of the weekend figuring out how he is going to tell Pace that they have to move. Bill picked the winning horse on both of the last 2 races. He was the big winner. The fireworks afterwards were pretty impressive.

Following the fireworks, we sat in the parking lot for an hour and a half waiting on traffic to clear out. It took forever! Reed wanted to go postal on a guy in a Toyota Camry, who would not let us in line. He did not have a sense of humor either.

1 comment:

Erin said...

looking good Kennedy!